Most of the anti-wrinkle research deals with methods to eliminate or perhaps reduce the conditions because of aging.

Conditions such as: heart disease, arthritis, the loss of hearing, failing eyesight, Alzheimer's malnourishment and osteoporosis.

Wouldn't it be great privided you can live to a ripe old age with only one stamina and energy this is in your thirties? Research has discovered that this may not a dream.

People inhabit more productive lives well past retirement very much their predecessors. Partly mainly because of advances in health be mindful, but more so including increased awareness and important information in nutrition and way of life. The Baby Boomers absolutely need an advantage over their parent's retirement woes.

However an offshoot of anti-wrinkle research has turned up most things may forever change a task look at aging. A substance that gives cancerous cells their insane ability to reproduce unstopped may hold the key to longer considerably better lives.

Considering the fact your cells are constantly renewing themselves which is every cell systems is replaced over a long time, you would think that you'd be forever young. Unfortunately as cells divide they become older. Even a brand-new cell a great 80 year old, looks and behaves at an 80 year old solar power.

The secret lies considering how cells actually age when divide. There is a tail in the bottoom of the DNA called a telomere and every time a cell divides the telomere is shortened realizing that new cell becomes more aged.

Humans have a gene that induce an enzyme called telomerase (pronounced tell-OM-er-ase ) to live produced in the cell and in many cases telomere wouldn't shorten. Inspite of, this gene is powered down in normal cells.

Unfortunately the gene is active in disease causing the cells allow it to be immortal, in other words they do not know how to die. Through which telomere of normal cells ended up depleted the cell goes through

Apoptosis, which is immediate suicide or programmed cellular death.

Years ago scientist cloned the gene that creates telemorase and now a

company in California named Geron Corp. owns heritage patent for telomerase.

Their research on telomerase just as one anti-aging therapy is really


There were some concerns that telomerase could result in normal cells to have an interest cancerous. However, research shows that telomerase doesn't cause the cells to mutate but is rather due to their mutation to a cancerous state the actual gene to activate.

Experiments involving telomerase immortalized cells encountered with cancer causing compounds demonstrated that the cells remained tumor free.

In vitro and pet experiments with telomerase for an anti aging solution continues to be very encouraging So I really don't be surprised to find some good anti aging applications for humans very easily.

In the mean time you're able to do some things to slow the shortening of one's telomeres. Take your anti-oxidents and the majority of vitamine C. Research in Japan revealed that 1-2 grams generated by vitamine C can slow telomere shortening up to 62%.

Also have skin homocysteine levels checked, researchers may already know high homocysteine levels triple any type of telomere length lost deep under cell division.

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